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Patient Tagging
Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over a week ago

What is Patient Tagging?

Patient tagging is a way for you to label your patients for easier monitoring, segmentation and filtering.

How to create tags

Go to Patients ( > Click on the gear icon on the upper right corner

Note: There will be four default categories where you can add your tags

  • Diagnosis (COVID-19 tag is there by default)

  • Patient Type

  • Medications

  • Procedures

Click Create New Tag

Place the tag name, choose which category it belongs to, the color, then click Save.

Once saved, it will appear under the category you assigned it to

Feel free to add as many as you need! Once you have at least one tag, you may click on the Add Icon to quickly create new tags under that category.

How to add my own category?

Click Create New Tag

Type in your own category and Enter

It will be added as a new category

How can I delete or edit my tags and/or categories?

For Categories:

Click on the Edit icon for the Category

Select Delete Category

For Tags

Go to Patients > Click on the Gear Icon > Click on the Edit icon

Select Delete Tag

How to add a tag on a patient?

Here are the entry points to add tags on the web:

Patient List

Go to Patients > click on the three dots (…) > Add/Remove Patient Tags

Choose as many tags that you would like to add then Save

Patient Profile

Open a patient record > click on the three dots (…) > Add/Remove Patient Tags

You can also add tags when you click Edit Patient Information > Patient Tags

Under Queue

Under your queue, click on the three dots (…) > Add/Remove Patient Tags

Under Consultation Requests

If you have a consultation request, you may also add tags there by going to Consultation Requests > Accept the request > Add the tags from there

How to filter tags for better search

Under Patients > Click Filter

Choose the necessary filters > Apply

How to Merge Tags/Categories

  • For Tags

Go to Patients > Click on the Gear icon > Click Edit on your chosen tag/category > Merge Tag

Choose which tag you would like to merge with. (Note: You can also change the category of the newly merged tag)

  • For Categories

Go to Patients > Click on the Gear icon > Click Edit on your chosen tag/category > Merge Category

Choose which category then Merge

Note: Switch tags is when you would like to change which category will be retained

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