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[Telemedicine] Getting Started

Interested in getting started with Telemedicine? It's really simple, with SeriousMD

Dennis S. avatar
Written by Dennis S.
Updated over 3 years ago

Hi doc!

Now that you're here, let's get you started really quickly.

You can leave this open while you try it out inside SeriousMD.

Here's a quick outline of what to expect here:

1. Your Very Own Online Booking Page

Once you sign up for a SeriousMD account, a verification process will start. Once you're verified, you will receive a message from the system with your booking page link.

You can also find the link on your dashboard and you can also download a poster if ever you need to share it on social media or print it out.

If you want to add more information to your booking page, you can go to your profile area and add the information in the description, your societies, social media links and so on - Don't worry, your sensitive information, such as your license number and the likes will not be displayed.

Your booking page will also show up on the Now Serving directory and on Google. We're working hard behind the scenes to continue promotion to bring in more traffic and visibility for everybody that's part of SeriousMD.

2. Billing Remotely and Using a Paywall

With regards to online Billing, if you haven't set up your Catalog yet, we recommend adding your usual services so it'll just be a click of a button.

You have the option to send bills online.

  • Just create a bill for the patient

  • Click Send to Patient

This can be done at any point. Whether it's before a consult, after, even if it's not about the consultation.

There are also many that would prefer to use a Paywall (confirmed payment) before an appointment request is submitted. You can quickly setup your paywall amount for each of your clinics in the Clinics area. (Update: Previously, we had 1 paywall rate for all clinics, with the recent updates, you're now able to add more variety to your fees and have different Paywall rates per clinic)

Lastly, you might be wondering now as to how you will receive your payouts. It's really simple!

That's it. We will deposit payouts weekly to your bank details.

You can always check out your pending payouts on the Dashboard or in your Billing > Payouts tab.

3. Be Notified via SMS

If you want to be notified by SMS if there are new bookings, simply add your mobile number here in your profile.

You also get other notifications, such as email and you can also get a push notification via SMDBot which you can edit here in the Notification Settings.

4. Your E-Signature

You have a couple ways to use an E-Signature.

The first way is to use the built-in e-signature tool in the Settings. Save your signature there once and you can use it when you need to.

The second way is via the custom footer.

If you are using a custom footer design, an image of the signature can be used in the footer. Please reach out support if you need help with this. We'd be glad to help you out.

5. Starting a Call

We suggest trying out a video call first from the computer, so you'll have a bigger screen and some time to practice/learn the process.

Option 1: Patients Book on your SeriousMD Booking Page

If the patient goes through your online booking page and books an appointment with you, you will receive a notification about the booking request. (We definitely suggest that you give it a try and book an appointment on your own SeriousMD Booking page so you can see how it works from the patient's side.)

Starting a call is really simple.

You can quickly press the call button in the patient profile and a call area will show up.

We suggest adding a time for the appointment during the process of accepting the appointment request.

Once you accept the booking request, a message will be sent to the patient that you accepted the booking request. It will include the schedule. The patient can also open the Now Serving app to see their booking details.

To start a call, click the phone icon at the top right of the patient profile.

A call area will pop out and you can see the online status of the patient. You can then click the START CALL button. If you are testing this as a patient, open the Now Serving app and you will see that status change to ONLINE.

Option 2: Manually Adding The Patient

Maybe the patient called your clinic or you just want to add a patient directly without going to your booking page.

  • Step 1: To test this, pretend to be the patient and add yourself as a patient - Add your mobile number and/or email address. Save it.

  • Step 2: Add the patient to the queue. You can enable Send NowServing Download link so the patient will be notified to download the app.

Alternatively, you can also press "Send NowServing Link" if you want to send the link via SMS/email again.

You can also click View NowServing Link and copy it manually to share to the patient via another method if needed.

  • Step 3: Press Start Virtual Consultation and press Start Call

6. Sending an E-prescription

You can send an e-prescription at any point. You can send one without having an appointment. You can send it during the call. You can send it after the call. It's up to you and when you need it.

All you have to do is click the Send to Patient button and that's it. Note that you need to toggle Show E-Signature if you're using the built-in System Footer.

The patient will receive a notification, along with an SMS notifying them that you've sent them a document.

You can review what you've sent to the patient by going to the Virtual Sessions tab. You'll also see a checkmark for each document you send.

7. Sharing your Booking Page and your QR Code

Your booking page can be shared via social media or sent directly to the patient.

You also have a QR code poster that you can print out to put in your clinic or share to your patients.

There are also infographics that you can utilize in the Settings area. We'll be updating this part routinely throughout the year so be sure to check back.

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