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[Practice Management] Getting Started

Here's how to get started with SeriousMD, the only practice management software you'll need.

Dennis S. avatar
Written by Dennis S.
Updated over 4 years ago

Hi doc!

Now that you're here, let's get you started really quickly.

You can leave this open while you try it out inside SeriousMD.

Here's a quick outline of what to expect here:

1. Adding a Patient

The first thing that's needed is to add a patient. Without adding any patient, you won't be able to do much inside SeriousMD. We suggest adding at least 1 dummy/test patient that you can use anytime you want to try something out. We also release regular updates, so having a dummy patient where you could do experiments on would be the way to go.

Option 1: In the Patients area

  • Go to your Patients list.

  • Simply tap the + button at the upper right

Option 2: In the Queue/Appointments area

  • Click Create New Patient Record (There's also a search box there in case you want to check if you've already added the patient before)

2. Adding an Appointment and Managing your Queue

Adding an appointment will just take a few clicks. You can choose to use it like the traditional "first come, first serve" model or have specific appointment time blocks for each or for some of the patients.

Let's try it out with the dummy patient that you've added in the previous step.

  • Click Add Patients to Queue

  • Select the patient and click Next

  • In this screen, you can select the Reason for Visit (which is customizable) and if you want to add the specific time, click Specify Time and add the time.

  • Click Save

Pin to Calendar? You'll see them on the Week and Month views of your Calendar

3. Including Your Staff

Including your staff into the workflow is super easy.

  • Go to Settings and go to Security > Sub-Users

  • Click the + button and enter an email address

  • Select the Role (For eg. Secretary)

  • and send the invite

An email will arrive in the email address you indicated.

  • Click the button (this is the most important step as it tells the system that this account will be linked to your account)

  • It will open a form. Enter the name and password

  • Once it's submitted, that's it!

4. Creating your Notes

The bulk of your work inside SeriousMD is here. The Notes tab is probably your most important section and it is truly yours. Over the years, we've added a lot of new features, enhancements and templates.

To get started:

  • Click and open a patient profile

  • You will see a + button on the right side of the screen.

  • Click this + button to let you pick which note type you'd like to use.

  • We recommend using the SOAP note to keep your data structured and it also allows you to use the Reports area of SeriousMD.

  • To speed things up, we've added ways for you to speed up your note taking process. If you see an icon like this, it means you can save it to a list. (For eg. if you are filling up the Diagnosis field, you can actually save a list of your most common diagnoses. In the future, with just 2 clicks and you are done!)

Making a Prescription

  • Select Prescription from the note types

  • Type the medicine you need on the search bar at the left side of the screen

  • Enter the information and your instructions

  • Then add it to the prescription

There are a number of ways that we help you speed up prescription creation.

  1. You can add the medicine to your favorites

  2. You can create a "template" where with 1 click, you can load multiple medicines with your instructions at the same time (there are instances that you will deal with the same diagnosis and you will probably need to write the same prescription. Having the template will make it easy as it'll just take 1 click to load everything.)

  3. You will have access to what we call as "Represcribe" (For eg. In a follow up visit that you just want to prescribe the same set of meds that you did previously, you will see a Represcribe area. All it takes is just 1 click to create the same set as last time)

Of course, this is just the tip of what you can do inside the Notes area. The more you use it, the more you'll discover tools that will greatly enhance your note taking process, help you better explain to patients and more.

If you have questions, just drop us a message! :)

5. Track Billing

Often one of the more overlooked tasks in a medical practice but is arguably the most important. With SeriousMD, you can easily track your billing, see the definite cash on hand at the end of the day, track inventory, print reports and more.

  • Click + Add New Service or edit an existing service by clicking it

  • Enter a name for the service (Eg. Consultation)

  • Enter a price for the service (your base price)

  • Click Save

  • Create a New Bill and select your Dummy test patient

  • Click the service you just added

  • Click Save Bill

That's it! You've created your first bill.

Save Bill = Save a bill without marking it as paid

Save Bill & Settle = It means that it's already paid

Save & Send to Patient = Send the bill to the patient and let them pay it online (via GCash, credit card, Paymaya, etc)

6. Automated Reminders

We often get feedback from doctors using SeriousMD that their patients are amazed and happy to get reminded of their appointments.

Not only does it lower the no show rates of patients, it also gives you the ability to offer better care.

You have a couple ways to remind patients of their appointments.

  • If you want to send the patient a message manually, you can go to Messages and send the patient a reminder (your secretary can do this) - You can also save pre-saved messages so it'll only take a couple clicks to send your scripted message.

  • Pro Subscribers - automated patient reminders that are controlled in the Notification settings will help you notify patients in your queue/appointments automatically.

(SMS credits: these are used if you want the patient to also receive an SMS about your message/reminder.)

And that's it! You can now easily control your appointments, send follow ups, manage the queue, create records, track your billing and integrate your staff into your workflow.

This is just the beginning. There are a lot more things you will discover inside SeriousMD to help you optimize your processes and workflows as you continue to use it.

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