Hi there!
It's very simple.
Step 1: Download the app on your smartphone (https://nowserving.seriousmd.com/)
Step 2: Enter your mobile number to sign-in/log-in
***Be sure to enter an active mobile number to receive the OTP.
Step 3: Wait for an SMS to arrive with your OTP in it.
*** OTP may take some time to be received. You can Resend Code every 1
Step 4: Book an appointment with your doctor by clicking the blue box and search for his or her name.
Step 5: Wait for the doctor to accept your booking request. You will receive an SMS and in-app notification if the doctor accepted or denied your booking request.
Step 6: If your appointment got accepted, open the app on the date of the consultation and standby for your turn.
*** It's advisable to do a TEST CALL before every consultation to check if everything on your end works fine.
Step 7: Click the Get Ready button and wait for the doctor to join you.