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VaxExpress Program

Learn how to efficiently use the VaxExpress program using On Demand (beta)

Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over 7 months ago

What is the VaxExpress Program?

This is a new NowServing program in partnership with Southstar Drug, designed to streamline the process of getting a flu vaccine.

The program enables patients without a valid prescription to walk into Southstar Drug branches to get a flu-vaccine shot.

Who can join the VaxExpress Program?

Doctors who have access to the On Demand feature on SeriousMD are eligible to enroll.

How do I join the program?

Enrolling is easy 👌

Simply go to the Programs tab in your Dashboard and look for the VaxExpress program and click "Enroll"

How does it work?

The VaxExpress program comes in 6 simple steps.

⬇️ Try out our interactive demo ⬇️

Step 1:

The process begins when a patient visits one of the 50 participating Southstar Drug branches.

Step 2:

They will find a QR code in the store that redirects them to the flu vaccine request form.

Scan this QR Code ⬇️

You can also click here to check it out ➡️ Flu Vaccine Request Form

The patient fills out the form and completes a short questionnaire to determine their eligibility for the flu vaccine prescription.

Step 3:

Once the form is completed, you will receive a consultation request from the VaxExpress program in the On Demand status bar in your SeriousMD account.

Click "Accept" to proceed.

Note: Ensure that On Demand is activated to receive VaxExpress bookings.

Step 4:

The new patient's record will automatically open with a chat interface and you will conduct a live synchronous chat-consultation for any further discussion.

You’ll also see the Flu Vaccination Checklist, which contains the information provided by the patient.

If you deem the patient valid for vaccine administration, click "Approve for Vaccine."

Step 5:

The flu vaccine e-prescription will now be sent to the patient.

Sample prescription below ⬇️

Step 6:

The patient presents the e-prescription at Southstar Drug, pays for the vaccine, and receives their shot on the spot. 💉

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will I get paid for issuing a prescription?

    • Those who enroll in the program will receive 85 pesos per accepted consultation.

  2. What if the patient is not qualified to get the prescription?

    • Then you may click Decline in the chat box

  3. When will I receive the payment for this consultation?

    • This will be paid out to you along with the weekly disbursements.

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